Tuesday, January 25, 2011

proud mama.

these sweet boys continue to make my heart burst with pride.
matt was chosen to participate in the Duke TiP program based on his SAT scores. were we surprised. nope. jake was inducted into the National Junior Honor Society. surprised? again, nope. proud? you bet. these are two of the GrEaTeSt boys on earth.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

12 years ago today....

my life changed forever. for the better.
happy birthday to my oldest, jacob coleman, otherwise known as jake. {aka: jake-man}
today, i woke up feeling blessed. thankful. lucky. privileged. fortunate. favored. full of gratitude. overwhelmed by one of god's greatest gifts in my life...you. it's been a WoNdErFuL 12 years. an adventure. you make me so proud. i hesitate to even try to recall all of the reasons why...because i'm sure to miss some. yep, because you're FULL to the brim with awesomeness!

speaking of awesomeness...jake's had a pretty great day! when we realized school was cancelled on his birthday, (due to the snow) he invited a few of his good friends over to stay the night. i'm not sure what all they did...but i know it involved LOTS of eating, laughing, video games, basketball in the playroom, watching movies, MORE eating, & i {might've} overheard some discussion about gIrLs!! :D (oh, and NOT much sleeping!!) after his friends left, we went shopping for his birthday gifts from us. he got a new video game, baseball gloves, a shirt, & a camouflage coat. we ate dinner at the infamous el palacio. and, then he headed off to basketball practice. pretty much a PeRfeCt day for the BiRtHdAy boy!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

bLiZzArD 2011...SnOw MUCH FuN! :D

8 inches of snow=4 days out of school...and CoUnTiNg!! the boys have done the HaPpY dance every single time they've heard the message on our machine about the latest school closing! it never gets old! we've had SO much fun in the snow with family and neighborhood friends. when we couldn't get "out"...we had chili with the neighbors. when the roads cleared out some...we met friends at the coyote for some local mexican & fun! the boys have enjoyed friends from school the remainder of the time out. that left momma with extra time to read, relax, sleep, & catch up on the laundry/house!

{jake & brock sledding down THE hill on moontown berry farm. :D i don't think jake's ever had so much fun in the snow!!}

Saturday, January 8, 2011

{if you think small things don't matter, think of the last game you lost by one point.}

i LoVe that quote. every point matters. we've seen it time and time again, this basketball season. matt's little team has gone undefeated in their "regular" season games. now, they're getting ready to play in the county tournament. they are a sweet little group of boys & we consider their families GREAT friends. that makes for a WoNdErFuL season, no matter what the score is!! jake is playing "travel" basketball with the 6th grade intermediate team. that means, they pretty much play every saturday...ALL day. he's been with this team for the last several years and we love these kiddos & their families like our own, so it's something we "all" enjoy. it's truly been a WIN/WIN season with both of our boys this year.

Monday, January 3, 2011

SaY CHeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeSE!

guess what momma got for christmas?!?!?! oddly enough...the boys didn't even seem to mind going on a "photo" shoot with me & my new ToY! we had a GrEaT time "playing" this afternoon. LOTS of laughs. can you ask for anything more in a day???
LoViNg my Nikon D5000!! {compliments of gran & daddy hugh}
p.s. our session ended...like THIS!!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

GoOd-Bye 2010...HeLLo 2011!

we said good-bye to 2010 here at home, together. the boys requested sushi, deviled eggs, & krispy kreme {chocolate covered cream-filled} doughnuts for dinner. yep, they are my children! the boys have had a week FULL of time with friends. they've had sleep-overs, movies w/friends, shot hoops at the gym w/friends, hung out here at the house w/friends, played with them on x-box 360 {live}, etc...so we decided to bring in the new year relaxing at home, together. just us.

the boys pulled a mattress in our bedroom floor & camped out while we watched the old year leave us and the new year come. it felt like the "perfect" way to ring in the new year. my boys are growing up...and i have a sneaky suspicion that we only have a little more time that they would even want to spend new years eve with us. i love these boys. love them with all of my HeArT and soul. looking forward to making MaNy more {sweet} memories with these boys in 2011!!

my focus for 2010 was simply...peace. considering that i "know" the peacespeaker, by name, you'd think that would be easy-smeasy. well, it's a daily struggle for me. worry is my "thorn." i've grown leaps & bounds in 2010 through "his" mercy, grace, & power. this year, i'm focusing on simply...trusting. i'm pretty sure if i can accomplish this...peace will fall right into my lap. :D

romans 15:13 {new living translation}
~i pray that god, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. then, you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the holy spirit.~